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DolbyAtmos. Specifications

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DolbyAtmos. Specifications
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宅嗨网宅嗨网宅嗨网宅嗨宅嗨Dolby Atmos SpecificationsIssue 3海网海网宅嗨网网网网海网宅嗨网宅嗨网宅嗨网宅嗨网宅嗨网宅嗨网宅嗨网宅嗨网宅嗨网宅嗨网宅嗨网海网IntroductionScreen Loudspeakers2.1 Number of Screen Loudspeakers......................1112.2Sound Pressure Level2.3122宅嗨网2.4 Frequency Response2.5 Position2.6 Aiming233 Screen Subwoofer33.1 Sound Pressure Level3.2 Frequency Response.........................................43.3 Position44Surround Zones and Regions4.1 Number of Side Surround Loudspeakers.....................4.2 Number of Top Surround Loudspeakers457宅嗨网4.3 Number of Rear Surround Loudspeakers84.4 Surround Loudspeaker Sound Pressure Level94.5Surround Array Sound Pressure Level.......................4.6 Surround Sound Frequency Response........................94.7 Surround Loudspeaker Coverage Angles......94.8 Rear Surround Elevation...................................14.9 Side Surround Location and Aiming....................4.10 Rear Surround Spacing ..................................14.11 Side and Rear Surround Horizontal Aiming................4.12 Side and Rear Surround Elevation Aiming16宅嗨网4.13 Top Surround Position...................4.14 Top Surround Longitudinal Location and Aiming4.15 Loudspeaker Aiming Tolerance...........................Surround Subwoofers5.1 Number of Surround Subwoofers..........................5.2 Surround Subwoofer Frequency Response..................5.3 Surround Subwoofer Sound Pressure Level85.4 Surround Subwoofer Placement...........................6Estimating Loudspeaker Output................................宅嗨网宅嗨网宅嗨Dolby Atmos Specifications1 IntroductionDolby Atmos achieves unprecedented levels of audience immersion and engagement by offering powerful new authoringtools to mixers.Its new cinema processor features a flexible rendering engine that optimizes the audio quality and surroundeffects of the Dolby Atmos soundtrack to the loudspeaker layout and characteristics of each auditorium.In addition,DolbyAtmos has been designed from the ground up to maintain backward compatibility and minimize the impact on production,distribution,and exhibition workflows.The introduction of a new audio format allows for changes in the design of sound systems without breaking compatibilitywith existing practices.Dolby has revisited critical areas of soundtrack reproduction,including equipment performance,layout,and installation for dubbing theaters and cinemas.This specification provides the recommended and minimum per.formance requirements for Dolby Atmos installations.In many cases,exceeding the minimum performance requirementscan add value to system performance.This document replaces the previously issued Dolby Atmos Technica/Guidelines docu-ment.2 Screen LoudspeakersDolby Atmos does not place new demands on the screen loudspeakers.Existing best practice still applies.The loudspeakersmust be capable of full dynamic range digital cinema content playback through a cinema screen,with a response that con-forms to ISO 2969:1987/SMPTE ST 202:2010 specifications.To ensure this performance,the following specifications are provided.2.1 Number of Screen LoudspeakersA minimum of three screen loudspeakers is required.For a screen wider than 12 meters (approximately 40 feet),we recom.mend the addition of left center and right center loudspeakers.2.2 Sound Pressure Level:105 dBEach screen loudspeaker system and associated amplifiers must have a maximum output capability of 105 dB continuoussound pressure level (SPL)at the reference listening position (RLP),a point two-thirds of the distance to the rear wall ofthe auditorium in the middle of the seating area.Loudspeaker capability must be determined as described in Section 6.Ifthe system specifications are not known or not provided by the manufacturer,use the following guidelines for SPL at theRLP to assess each component:Two-way/biamplifier:105 dB for the low-frequency section,101 dB for the middle-frequency and high-frequencysectionsThree-way/triamplifier:105 dB,101 dB,98 dB for the low-frequency,middle-frequency,and high-frequency sec.tions,respectively.Four-way/quad amplifier.105 dB,101 dB,98 dB,92 dB for the low-frequency,middle-frequency,high-frequency,and ultra high-frequency sections,respectivelyWhen determining the SPL capability of a screen loudspeaker system or the low-frequency component,use half-space sensi-tivity if the loudspeaker is mounted in a baffle wall.We recommend an amplifier with 3 dB of headroom (that is,twice therequired continuous power)to drive each element.
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