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宅嗨网宅嗨网ONKYOSpeaker System宅嗨网Before using this unitEn-2使用本系統之前ct-2D-407FPrecaution on useEn-2使用注意事項ct-2嗨网宅嗨网ConnectionEn-2連接Ct-2Mounting the standattachmentEn-3安装站立支架附件Ct-3PlacementEn-3宅嗨网宅嗨网安放ct-3Attaching and detachingthe speaker grillesEn-3揚警器前格板的安装和拆除t-3Instruction ManualUse with a TV setEn-4作為電視機的外接揚警器Thank you for your purchase of the Onkyo speakersystem.使用時ct-4Please read this manual thoroughly before using it.Following the instructions in this manual will enable youSpeaker careEn-4to obtain optimum performance and listening enjoyment揚謦器的維護保養ct-4from your new speaker system.Please retain this manual for future reference.SpecificationsEn-4規格Ct-4使用手冊在速接各部件及接通電源之前,請先撤底閱讀本手冊。最侵秀的性能和欣背效果·您将能獲得最大樂趣。請保存此手冊以備將來参考之用。宅嗨网Before using this unitConnectionThe speaker cabinet is made of wood and is thereforeTurn the sound volume to the minimum and disconnect thesensitive to extreme temperatures and humidity.Avoidpower cord from the amplifier before connecting theplacing the speaker systems in locations subjected tospeaker sunlight,or in smoky or in humid places,such asThe nominal impedance of this speaker system is 6 Usenear an air conditioner,humidifier,bathroom,or kitchen.only amplifiers capable of handling this impedance.Doing so may result in damage to the speaker.Use the supplied speaker cables to connect betweenPlace the unit on a rigid,level surface.Placing it on aspeaker's input terminals and the amplifier's speakerslanted surface or weak base not only may cause the unitterminals as illustrated fall,but also results in decreased sound quality.Connect the speaker cables securely to the terminals,withBe sure to tum off your amplifier before connecting thethe core wires twisted properly.In this case,make sure thatspeaker system.Connecting them with the amplifier'sthe core wires do not touch each other.Note that a shortpower on may result in damage to the amplifier or thecircuit in core wires may result in damage to the amplifier.speaker system.Keep water or other liquids away from the unit.If water isConnecting to AV amplifierspilled into the unit,not only the unit but also the speakersthemselves may be damaged.1.Strip off the end2.Slacken the3.Hold the coreireof plastic skin,screw and threadand give a twistthe core wirethe screw in thedeep enoughdirection of anto the core wireinto the hole.arrow.Precaution on useThis speaker system can handle the specified input powerwhen it is used for ordinary music reproduction.If thefollowing abnormal signals are fed to the speaker,however,an overcurrent may flow in the intemal circuits,causing buming or breakage of the wires even if the inputpower is below the specified rating.1.Noise produced when FM station is not tuned in2.Sound produced when fast-forwarding cassette tapedeck3.High-frequency sound generated by an oscillator,anelectronic musical instruments,etc.4.Oscillating amplifier signals5.Special test signals produced by audio checking CD,Right hand sideLeft hand side speakeretc.speaker (R Channel)(L Channel)6.Sound produced when connecting or disconnectingaudio connection cables (Always turn off the amplifier'sRed cord sideRed cord sidepower before connecting or disconnecting cables.)7.Howling when a microphone is usedSpeakerDo not place magnetic objects such as screwdrivers andiron parts near the tweeter since they use speakers withBefore turning on the amplifier's power switch:strong magnets.Otherwise,the objects may be attracted,Make sure that the positive (+and negative (-)speakercausing injury or damaging the diaphragm.cables do not contact each other.Otherwise,a short-circuitmay occur,causing damage to the amplifierBe sure to connect the speaker cables with correct polarity(connect the speaker's positive (+and negative (-binding posts with the amplifier's corresponding speakerterminals).Reversed polarity results in impaired bass.range reproduction,causing mislocalization of the soundimage.Also,be sure to connect the Right and Leftspeakers with the amplifier's corresponding speakerterminals.Pull lightly on the speaker cables to ensure that they areconnected firmly.En-2宅海网
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