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Marantz SR5013 User Manual

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Marantz SR5013 User Manual
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ContentsConnectionsPlaybackSettingsTipsAppendixEasy operation。“Setup Assistant'”provides easy-to-follow setup instructionsFirst select the language when prompted.Then simply follow theinstructions displayed on the TV screen to set up the speakers,network,etc.Easy to use Graphical User InterfaceThis unit is equipped with a Graphical User Interface for improvedoperability.Hao4KHao4K影音HaoHaoHao4Hao4Front panelDisplayRear panel15RemoteIndexContentsConnectionsPlaybackSettingsTipsAppendixPart names and functionsFront panel①56marantz1020For details,see the next page.Front panelDisplayRear panel16RemoteIndexContentsConnectionsPlaybackSettingsTipsAppendix①23INPUT SELECTOR knobThis selects the input source.(p.71)marantzPURE DIRECT indicatorThis lights when the"Pure Direct"mode is selected as the sound mode.(p.118)⑤M-DAX indicatorThis lights when the M-DAX mode is selected.p.154)⑥DisplayThis displays various pieces of information.(p.19)Remote control sensorThis receives signals from the remote control unit.(p.9)1 Power operation button()VOLUME knobUsed to turn the power of the MAIN ZONE (room where this unit isThis adjusts the volume level.(p.72)located)on/off (standby).(p.71)Headphones jack(PHONES)②Power indicatorThis is used to connect headphones.This is lit as follows according to the power status:When the headphones are plugged into this jack,audio will no longerbe output from the connected speakers or from the PRE OUT。Of:Power onconnectors·Red:Normal standby·Orange:NOTE。·When“HDMI Pass Through”is set to“On”(p.163)To prevent hearing loss,do not raise the volume level excessively when using。When“HDMI Control'"is set to“on”(p.165)headphones.·When“Network Control'"is set to“Always On”(p.205)Front panelDisplayRear panel17RemoteIndexContentsConnectionsPlaybackSettingsTipsAppendixmarantz1 Tuner preset channel buttons(TUNER PRESET CH+,-These select preset broadcast stations.(p.85)⑤AUX1-HDMI connectorThis is used to connect HDMI output compatible devices such as videocamcorders and game consoles.(p.59)⑥DIMMER buttonEach press of this switches the brightness of the display.(p.214)⑦STATUS buttonEach press of this switches the status information that is shown on thedisplay.⑩PURE DIRECT buttonSOUND MODE buttonThis switches the sound mode between Direct,Pure Direct and AutoSwitching the sound mode.(p.116)surround.·“Direct playback'(p.118)·“Pure Direct playback"(p.118)This is used to connect USB storages(such as USB memory devices).。“Auto surround playback"(p.119)(p.62)①M-DAX buttonAUX1 INPUT connectorsThis switches the M-DAX mode.(p.154)Used to connect analog output compatible devices such as videocamcorders and game consoles.(p.59)ZONE2 ON/OFF buttonThis turns the power of ZONE2(another room)on/off.(p.143)SETUP MIC jackThis is used to connect the supplied Sound calibration microphone.③ZONE2 SOURCE button(p.182)This selects the input source for ZONE2.(p.143)Front panelDisplayRear panel18RemoteIndex
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