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AVCX6500H Owner Manual

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AVCX6500H Owner Manual
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ContentsConnectionsPlaybackSettingsTipsAppendixPlayback of DSD and FLAC files via USB and networksMulti-Room audio (p.129)This unit supports the playback of high resolution audio formats such asDSD(5.6 MHz)and FLAC 192 kHz files.It provides high quality[MAIN ZONE]playback of high resolution files.Wireless connection with Bluetooth devices can be carried outeasily (p.97))●You can select and play back the respective inputs in MAIN ZONE,ZONE2 and ZONE3.In addition,when the All Zone Stereo function is used,the music beingplayed back in MAIN ZONE can be enjoyed in all the zones at the sametime.This is useful when you want to let the BGM propagate throughoutthe whole house.You can enjoy music simply by connecting wirelessly with yourEnergy-saving designsmartphone,tablet,PC,etc.This unit is equipped with an ECO Mode function that allows you toenjoy music and movies while reducing the power consumption duringuse,and also an auto-standby function that automatically turns off thepower supply when the unit is not in use.This helps reduceunnecessary power use.Front panelDisplayRear panel15RemoteIndexContentsConnectionsPlaybackSettingsTipsAppendixCompatible with the "Denon 2016 AVR Remote"App*forHEOS provides streaming music from your favorite online musicperforming basic operations of the unit with an iPad,iPhone orsourcesAndroidTM devices (Google,Amazon Kindle Fire)AVR令令DENON令Along with many new features,the graphics and user interface havebeen completely overhauled.The new app gives you full control of theAVR as well as access to its setup menu for detailed adjustments fromyour phones or tablets."Denon 2016 AVR Remote"App also gives youquick access to the receiver's status display,option menus,Denon Blu-ray Disc player control,and online owner's manual for yourHEOS wireless multi-room sound system that enables you to enjoy yourfavorite music anywhere and everywhere around your home.By utilizingconvenience.your existing home network and the HEOS App(available for iOS,Download the appropriate"Denon 2016 AVR Remote"App for your iOS orAndroid and Amazon devices),you can explore,browse,and playAndroid devices.This unit needs to be connected to the same LAN or Wi-Fi(wireless LAN)network that the iPhone or iPod touch is connected from your own music library or from many online streaming musicservices.When multiple HEOS devices are connected to the same network,HEOS devices can be grouped to play back the same music on alldevices simultaneously,or different music can be played on eachseparate HEOS device.Front panelDisplayRear panel16RemoteIndexContentsConnectionsPlaybackSettingsTipsAppendixEasy operation。“Setup Assistant'”provides easy-to-follow setup instructionsFirst select the language when prompted.Then simply follow theinstructions displayed on the TV screen to set up the speakers,network,etc.Easy to use Graphical User InterfaceThis unit is equipped with a Graphical User Interface for improvedoperability.Hao4KHao4K影音Hao4K影音HaoHao4Hao4Front panelDisplayRear panel17RemoteIndexContentsConnectionsPlaybackSettingsTipsAppendixPart names and functionsFront panel3⑤DENONSOURCE SELECTMASTER VOLUMEFor details,see the next page.Front panelDisplayRear panel18RemoteIndex
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