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5Preparing a network connectionPrepare a wired or wireless network connection in accordance with your network environment.Noteao4KWireless network connectionWired network connectionNetwork cableRaise the wireless antenna so that it is standing up straight.(Procedures for connecting the unit to a wireless router are describedin step 8.)LANNoticeDo not apply excessive force on the antenna.Doing so may damage it.RouterModemConnecting the power cable to an AC wall outlet,and turning on the unit1 Plug the power cable into an2 Press (receiver power)toThe Network Setup screen shown below will beAC wall outlet.turn on the unit.the first fime after purchase.It may take severaltens of seconds for the screen to be displayed(WAC:Wireless Accessory Configuration).4See"Sharing the iOS device setting"underTo an AC waloutet3 Turn on the TV and switch the"Connecting to a network wirelessly"in theTV input to display video fromOwner's Manual when using this function toconnect the unit to a network.the unit(HDMI OUT jack).This document explains wireless connectionusing the MusicCast CONTROLLER appinstalled on your mobile device.Follow theprocedure described under"8 Setting MusicCasfNoteThis screen will not be displayed if the unit is comected16 EnOptimizing the speaker settings automatically(YPAO)The Yamaha Parametric room Acoustic Optimizer (YPAO)function detects speaker connections,measures the distances from them to your listening position(s).and then automatically optimizes the speaker settings,such as volume balance and acoustic parameters,to suit your room.Note the following regardingYPAO measurementYPAO MICTest tones are output at highENTERvolume and may surprise orCursor keysTest tone volume cannot beRETURNKeep the room as quiet asFPLFPRpossible.FLFRStay in a comer of the roombehind the listening positionso that you do not become anobstacle between speakersand the YPAO microphone.SWDo not connect headphones.Ear heightSLSRYAMAHAYPAO microphone1 Turn on the subwoofer and set the volume to half.3 Use the cursor keys to select"Start"and pressENTER.The measurement will start in 10 secondsIt takes about 5 minutes to measure.The screen below appears on the TV when the measurement finishes.MAX2 Place the YPAO microphone at your listeningposition and connect it to the YPAO MIC jack onthe front panel.The screen below appears on the TV.NoteIf an error message (such as ERROR 1)or waming message (such as(YPAO)"in the Owner's Manual4 Select"Measurement result"and press ENTER todisplay the result.After confirming the result,press RETURN to return to the "MeasurementFinished"screen.Note5 Use the cursor keys to select"Save"and pressENTER.6 Disconnect the YPAO microphone from the unit.This completes opfimization of the speaker settings.18En
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