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4K Hi-Fi MEDIA PAYERINITIALIZATIONBefore actually using this device,this software will provide you for firstinitialization.Please set your device according to the initialization process toobtain the optimum watching experience.1.Language of the systemSelect the language of the system as you need.Welcome +中文情体EnglishmoreNext3.Screen scaling2.Bluetooth Match-UpAdjust the screen display range using LEFT or RIGHT button of the remoteLet remote controller be aligned with media player and press Page-Downcontrol or the mouse wheel so that the image can be displayed on the screenKEY and Menu KEY at the same time for least 5 second until indicator lightof the TV.blinking.The light will be off after matching successfully.OKConnectPage 28Page 294K Hi-Fi MEDIA PAYER4.Network settingsSYSTEM UPDATE BY OTAChoose WiFi network or Ethernet network to let media pllayer connect tonetwork successfully.Find the system update icon in APP center and open it;support onlinenetwork update and local update;after ticking 'automatically detect the latestversion',you will receive the prompt for the latest firmware updateautomatically.UpdateChoose net typeModetWIFI:Select SSID and enter password,connect to WIFI and finish setting:5m1.Online UpdateUpdale令WiFi SetPrevSkipEthernet:It will work after connecting with LAN cable.Click "Next step"to finish initialization setting.Page 30Page 31zldoo4K Hi-Fi MEDIA PAYER2.Local updateThe system will automatically check the update file whether is complete orUsers can download the update file on the forum or official website andnot.update firmware by local update.Copy the downloaded update file to USB disk.Click ocal update"to selectthe update file.Note:System will upgrade automafically,please do not power off.Download the update file by online update or local update.Click"update"toupdate.UpdalePage 32Page 33zldooOnce the update is completed,the system will automatically be restarted.Guarantee保修卡zidooUser FileUser nameSexTelephoneZipe andSpecial note:To guarantee user experience.Zidoo will update the firmware irregularly.Therefore,this manual may not be totally in line with the product.保修条款Warning notice:1.The equipment shall not be subjected to water splashing or water drop,and shall not be placed on the device such as a vase,which is full of liguid.2.The disconnecting device of this product is the power plug.The socketprovided to this product should be installed near the product,and should beeasy to operate and cannot be blocked by other objects.3.This product is classified as I equipment,and it must have groundingmeasures inside the time box.Page 34
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