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4K HDR MEDIA PAYER4)Connect with the power.This device is equipped with suitable AC powerHDMI AUDIO PROCESSINGadapter.Please connect the head of AC power adapter to the AC power inputport of this device,then insert the plug of AC power line into the altemating1.HDMI Output Settingcurrent socket of 110V-240V.If apply double HDMI output mode which the main port access to TV orProjection,deputy port with power amplifier.Three mode to choose.1)Master Port and Subport Seperation Model:Video is outputting from mainport,audio is outputting from deputy port and achieve Great Separation.2)Master Port+Subport Model:Main port is outputting voice and video,deputy port is outputting audio.3)Master Port Mode:Main port outputting audio and video,deputy portwithout audio.Settings5)Press the right bottom side button or the power button on the remotecontrol to tum on,then turn on the TV.6)Corresponding video source is selected by TV.2.Analog Audio Processing(Only for X20 PRO)1)Switch of analog audioIf you need to analog output,you must turn on the button.When you tum iton,HDMI audio output setting will automatic decode stereo.In the same way,If set HDMI audio output to passthrough output or auto-output,the switch willAVautomatic turn off.2.Connect AV cable with the TVThe connection method is same as that of HDMI cable.Please connect theAV cable before energizing.Page 28Page 294K HDR MEDIA PAYERSettingsSettings2)Filtering Features4)XLR Port polarity3)Analog Audio VolumeThis Setting is only for DAC decoder,audio value is DAC Decoder Volumevalue.Page 30Page 314K HDR MEDIA PAYERINITIALIZATIONBefore actually using this device,this software will provide you for firstinitialization.Please set your device according to the initialization process toobtain the optimum watching experience.1.Language of the systemSelect the language of the system as you need.Welcome +中文情体EnglishmoreNext3.Screen scaling2.Bluetooth Match-UpAdjust the screen display range using LEFT or RIGHT button of the remoteLet remote controller be aligned with Player and press Page-Down KEY andcontrol or the mouse wheel so that the image can be displayed on the screenMenu KEY at the same time for least 5 second until indicator light blinkingof the TV.which matching succeed.ConnectPage 32Page 334K HDR MEDIA PAYERSYSTEM UPDATE BY OTAAdjust the screen display range using LEFT or RIGHT button of the remotecontrol or the mouse wheel so that the image can be displayed on the screenZidoo will update the firmware aperidoicity.of the TV.Find the system update icon in APP center and open it;support onlinenetwork update and local update:after ticking 'automatically detect the latestversion',will receive the prompt for the latest firmware update automatically.3aUpdateChoose net typeModetWIFI:Select SSID and enter password,connect to WIFI and finish setting:Updale令WiFi Set4SkipPage 34Page 35
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