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ContentsPreparationsConnectionsPlaybackTipsAppendixAttaching the dust coverMounting the subweightIf your cartridge and head shell are too heavy to keep the tone arm parallelInsert the edges of the hinges on the main unit into theto the record with the counterweight alone,attach the included subweighthinge slots of the dust the tone arm to keep it balanced.Mount the subweight behind the counterweight byinserting it in the screw hole at the back of the tonearm.》To remove the dust cover,open the dust cover all the way and then pull it in theRefer to"Suitable cartridge weight"(p.35)for details on the weight range ofopposite direction to that indicated by the arrows.cartridges compatible with each of the weights.FrontRear15ContentsPreparationsConnectionsPlaybackTipsAppendixAdjustmentsTone armAdjusting the height of the insulatorsCounterweight1Turn the insulators to adjust their height so that theLifterturntable is placed level.Arm heightadjustment knobPlatterHead shellIncreases the heightReduces the heightInsulatorNOTEDo not overtighten the insulators as overtightening may result in damage.ArmrestA commercial spirit level can be used for more accurate adjustment.Lifter leverAnti-skating knobNOTEMake sure the power cord is not connected from this unit to a wall socket whenperforming adjustments.千万影音发烧友社区FrontRear16←ContentsPreparationsConnectionsPlaybackTipsAppendixAdjusting the stylus pressure3Remove the tone arm from the arm rest.To enable the record stylus to follow the grooves of the record and pick upsound(vibrations),it is necessary to apply a constant pressure(stylus4Holding the finger lift of the headshell,move the tonepressure)to the record from the stylus tip.A suitable stylus pressure valuearm over the specified for each cartridge.If the stylus pressure is higher or lower thanthe specified value,not only will the record playback sound be distortedand the stylus jump,but the record stylus may wear out faster and therecord may become damaged.Therefore,make sure to adjust the styluspressure to the suitable value.1Pull the anti-skating knob in the direction of the arrow.This turns the anti-skating function off.Finger lift2Lower the lifter lever.NOTEFor a cartridge with a removable stylus cover,remove the stylus cover.FrontRear17ContentsPreparationsConnectionsPlaybackTipsAppendix5Turn twist the counterweight so that the tone arm isfloating parallel to the platter.Perform adjustment by turning the counterweight gradually whileAdjustments can also be made by sliding part of the counterweight.Loosenperiodically removing your hand to check the position.the counterweight screw with the included screwdriver and slide thecounterweight.After adjusting,tighten the screw to secure theKeep it parallelcounterweight.eScrewNOTEMake sure the stylus does not touch the platter mat or the main unit.If your cartridge and head shell are too heavy to keep the tone arm parallelto the record with the counterweight alone,attach the included subweight tothe tone arm.p.15)千万影音发烧友社区FrontRear18
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