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[KODI] 求助:SMB共享问题 (已解决)


发表于 2019年06月10日 11:13 602299 4 来源:多媒体软件> KODI 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |

chaochiang 帖主

2019-6-10 11:13




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chaochiang 2

2019-6-11 10:27

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chaochiang 3

2019-6-18 09:29



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chaochiang 4

2019-6-18 11:33

6 Adding Remote sources

For details on the supported protocols and configuration
See: File sharing
Follow the steps (above) for adding a source, but when you get to the 'browse' section (step 4 & 5), you need to do one of the following:

If your remote device is visible from one of the existing choices (e.g 'Network File system' , 'UPnP Devices' etc)
Select a remote location, and you should be able to browse to the remote server.

If the device is not visible, or
It is a remote NAS
It is an SMB server

You will need to add a new network location:

Image 1- Select Add network location... from the Browse for new shares' list.

Image 2- In the new window select the correct Protocol for your Network Share, then select Server Name.

Image 3- Type in either the IP Address or the Device name of your server.
Note: if you use a dynamic IP for your NAS you could lose access to your shares if the IP changes. It is recommended that you use a static IP if adding your share this way.

Image 4-
4.1 In the Shared folder section, type in the name of the folder you wish to add. You will be required to add the drive letter eg f/Movies.
4.2 If your share requires a Username and Password enter them in the appropriate sections.
4.4 Select OK and your share should appear in the Browse for new share list shown in image 1

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使用道具 举报

chaochiang 5

2019-6-18 13:43

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