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[交流分享] 蓝光网将4K版《掠食城市》定义为4K超高清电影画质上的新参考范例


发表于 2019年03月15日 17:32 65090 16 来源:家庭影院> 交流分享 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |

sbcaonima 帖主

2019-3-15 17:32

参考译文:《掠食城市》1080p蓝光版和原生4K (拍摄自8K摄像机) 2160p/杜比视觉增强超高清版之间的差异是显而易见的,相当惊人的。与标准蓝光相比,UHD的图像清晰度和细节方面有了最大的改进,这是迄今为止最显著的改进之一,甚至考虑到蓝光本身就非常出色,因此其图像质量获得了五星好评,(蓝光网中4k电影音效五星极多,画质及4K效果满分极其罕见)。超高清的图像非常高效,拥有迄今为止该格式所见过的一些最原始、最犀利的细节。人物特写是一流的,诠释了了一流的细节定义,这种细节是极其罕见的,即使在UHD这种格式里。52分钟的奴隶贩子就是一个很好的例子。她穿着一件由扣子做成的外套,每个扣子上都有明显的磨损和撕裂的细节,有些比其他的更重要。毛孔、头发、胡须、牙齿,以及角色所展现的清晰程度,都是不可否认的惊人之处。海丝特·肖的两个特写镜头也值得注意。首先,在17分44秒的照片中可以看到,超高清不仅改善了皮肤的清晰度、清晰度,还改善了单个睫毛和眉毛的整体锐度,更不用说头巾的质地和她头上的几缕头发了。还有一个例子是43分48秒,人物脸部疤痕的深度和皮肤瑕疵的清晰度都是非常高的。这张照片也是杜比视觉色彩分级的一个很好的参考点,它可以让一些肤色在某些场景中显得更加苍白,但也可以增加亮度,同时为海丝特的蓝眼睛和红嘴唇等颜色点增加深度和亮度。

18355_1_large.jpg     掠食城市.PNG


The differences between the 1080p Blu-ray and this native 4K (shot at 8K) 2160p/Dolby Vision-enhanced UHD release are immediately obvious and fairly startling. The UHD appears magnitudes sharper, offering one of the most drastic improvements to overall image clarity and detail over the standard Blu-ray yet, and that's even considering that the Blu-ray is terrific in its own right and was awarded five stars for its image transfer quality. The UHD's image is remarkably efficient, boasting some of the most rawly razor-sharp details the format has yet seen. Intimate character close-ups are superb, revealing a level of definition and detail that is rare even on this format. A slave trader seen at the 52-minute mark is a great example. He wears a coat made of buttons, on each of which are distinct, individual details of wear and tear, some more significant than others. The pores, the hair, the beard, the teeth, the level of clarity at which the character is revealed is undeniably striking. Two close-ups featuring Hester Shaw are of note, too. The first, seen at the 17:44 mark, reveals the UHD's improvements to skin clarity, intimate definition, and overall sharpness of not just skin but individual eyelashes and eyebrows, not to mention the texture on the bandana and the individual strands of hairs on her head. Another example comes at the 43:48 mark where the depth of the character's facial scars and skin blemish clarity are off-the-charts. The shot is also a good point of reference for the Dolby Vision color grading, which can leave some skin tones appearing more pasty in certain scenes but also increasing brightness while adding depth and brilliance to points of color like Hester's blue eyes and red lips.

Color depth overall is much improved, and skin tones, generally, are very healthy and full. There's a significant add to range and nuance across the board. Contrast is boosted quite a bit, almost to the point that the image borders on looking like a cartoon in a couple of places, including Hester's intro scene where the red bandana's color is so deep and the contrasting skin so pasty that despite the obvious add in color depth and textural resolution the character looks almost entirely artificial. Fortunately such extremes are rare. For the most part, the vast increases in both color saturation and textural depth -- even on digital constructs and machinery close-ups that reveal wear and tear with exponentially more detail -- make the image a remarkable UHD specimen. Fang's red attire and and airship and Shrike's green eyes are also amongst the standouts for intensity and luminance, the latter in particular against some darker backdrops. Black level depth and density are also improved over the Blu-ray. Noise is kept to a bare minimum and no other source or encode flaws are apparent. This is a new reference quality UHD release from Universal.


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visk 17

2021-6-8 09:04

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sion33 16

2021-6-8 09:00

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szjgw 15

2020-3-5 18:33

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ynljyyzz 14

2019-3-20 23:59

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machuanwu 13

2019-3-20 16:13

画质确实不错  电影一般
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taoqingfang 12

2019-3-20 10:33

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daidaye 11

2019-3-20 10:22

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yj127 10

2019-3-19 17:33

sbcaonima 发表于 2019-3-19 17:27

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sbcaonima 9

2019-3-19 17:27

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yj127 8

2019-3-19 17:22

掠食城市 Mortal Engines (2018).mkv_20190319_171851.169.jpg 掠食城市 Mortal Engines (2018).mkv_20190319_172017.492.jpg 掠食城市 Mortal Engines (2018).mkv_20190319_172207.828.jpg
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lovegalliani 7

2019-3-19 11:41

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阿拉两缤纷 6

2019-3-16 23:52

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新手未入门 5

2019-3-16 16:12

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sbcaonima 4

2019-3-15 23:56

cx273090614 发表于 2019-3-15 19:04

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ZJZ010 3

2019-3-15 20:51

学习了 谢谢
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cx273090614 2

2019-3-15 19:04

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