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[交流分享] 谁说杜比视界就是100nit一成不变的灰色图?来看看


发表于 2021年01月01日 10:26 45984 31 来源:家庭影院> 交流分享 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |

ZombieNight 15

2021-1-5 10:54

McCor 发表于 2021-1-4 17:06
杜比层肯定有东西的 但是你这样解读也不太对  因为 增强层 和原始层都是10bit的 画面 其中增强层主要是包含 ...

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McCor 14

2021-1-4 17:07

这是 杜比官方的 marketing回复  等于没解释 就是描述了大概原理

Here is a quote from Display Daily, quoting Patrick Griffs from Dolby Labs. This is about the best easy English explanation I could find.

"Griffis said that for streaming video, Dolby Vision provides a backward-compatible framework for HDR. There is a base layer of SDR content encoded with a Gamma EOTF and decodable by any streaming video decoder for showing on an SDR display. Then there is an enhancement layer that includes all the necessary data to convert the SDR stream into an HDR stream and metadata that tells the Dolby Vision decoder exactly how to use this enhancement layer data to perform this SDR to HDR conversion. Griffis said the enhancement layer and the metadata adds just 15% on average to the size of the bitstream. This allows streaming companies like Netflix to keep just one version of the file and then stream it to either SDR or HDR customers. An SDR (or HDR10-only) system discards the extra data and shows the SDR image. This saves storage space on the server, at the expense of higher streaming bit rates to SDR customers. Of course, in 2016, the vast majority of streaming customers are SDR customers and this streamed enhancement data is mostly discarded."
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McCor 13

2021-1-4 17:06

杜比层肯定有东西的 但是你这样解读也不太对  因为 增强层 和原始层都是10bit的 画面 其中增强层主要是包含的 明度数据 杜比视界的解码器才能把他俩合成 成为12bit的画面(这点我看了很久 也没有正确答案  杜比官方的解释都是些官话 可能涉及到商业机密 主要论点在于 两个10bit能否真的合成出12bit  毕竟这不是一个数量级的东西)   

我想告诉你的是 单独去播放那层 特别是potplayer压根没有 杜比视界解码器的情况下  没有什么意思  

如果你懂英文 可以去看看外国网友的讨论  感觉他们比我们要深入一些 可能这方面的信息掌握的要比我们多一些 我们这里的讨论都是瞎猜 瞎琢磨
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ZombieNight 12

2021-1-4 09:48

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ZombieNight 11

2021-1-4 09:43

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ZombieNight 10

2021-1-4 09:41

154682464 发表于 2021-1-3 23:19

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154682464 9

2021-1-3 23:19

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qazxderfvbhy 8

2021-1-2 16:12

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暴力一武僧 7

2021-1-2 15:19


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ZombieNight 6

2021-1-2 15:05

ffo924 发表于 2021-1-2 14:51

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ffo924 5

2021-1-2 14:51

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ZombieNight 4

2021-1-2 08:52

745745 发表于 2021-1-1 19:02

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745745 3

2021-1-1 19:02

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qazxderfvbhy 2

2021-1-1 18:30

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