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[寻求帮助] 用索尼9500H看 权利游戏 画面太黑了,资源本站下的


发表于 2020年12月01日 21:04 116059 60 来源:4K电视> 寻求帮助 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |

jsntdadu 8

2020-12-2 08:11

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枭臣 7

2020-12-2 01:44

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jesson1971 6

2020-12-1 23:13

2020-12-01 22_59_03-The Game Of Thrones 'Too Dark' Kerfuffle.png


2020-12-01 23_11_38-The Game Of Thrones 'Too Dark' Kerfuffle.png

I woke up few Monday’s ago when literally every social, news, and even sports site that I read, was talking about GoT Episode 3 Of Season 8 ‘The Long Night’.
With headlines like ‘What happened in GOT? Dunno? Neither Do We!
As I dug a little deeper, it became apparent that the Internet was exploding because nearly everyone thought the  ‘The Long Night’ was way too dark, and that it was near impossible to follow the action or actually tell what was going on!.  Longtime watchers of the series, in particular, appeared to be on the verge of revolution and ready to storm HBO’s headquarters.




So was ‘The Long Night’ too dark?
In the color bay on their calibrated display, and in a reference environment, I have no doubt that the episode looked amazing! To be honest who are we (as viewers) to tell the creatives for the show that they are wrong – by definition, it’s their prerogative. However, it’s important to understand that no home experience can replicate the viewing experience in a color suite. But when you combine poor stream/transmission quality, inferior TV technology, lack of calibration, and improper viewing environment – these factors undoubtedly all contributed to the near riots that the episode caused!

So, again, I ask was ‘The Long Night’ too dark?

No, I don’t think so.  Even if you subscribe to some of the concepts I’ve outlined here like checking a grade on consumer set and mimicking a consumer viewing environment, I think any adjustments the finishing team would have done would be have been too severe – or more likely not fix anything!  As we’ve discussed on Mixing Light before – making substantial changes based on the worst-case viewing scenario is dangerous and will likely cause other problems.
My hope is that this kerfuffle helps push changes in all areas of the home viewing experience and that consumers can start to understand where problems really do exist – and to help experienced content creators avoid these flame-ups in the future.



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好久不见666 5

2020-12-1 22:50

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kelisi 4

2020-12-1 22:41

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huayugongju 3

2020-12-1 21:49

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zentteng 2

2020-12-1 21:31

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