本帖最后由 七毛钱你要不要 于 2023-11-24 22:49 编辑
if (srcWidth <= 720) and (srcHeight <= 480) "480P"
if (srcWidth <= 1280) and (srcHeight <= 720) and (srcWidth > 720) "720P"
if (srcWidth <= 2048) and (srcHeight <= 1080) and (srcWidth > 1280) and (srcFps <= 30) "1080P 30Hz"
if (srcWidth <= 2048) and (srcHeight <= 1080) and (srcWidth > 1280) and (srcFps >= 50) and (srcFps <= 60) "1080P 60Hz"
if (srcWidth <= 2048) and (srcHeight <= 1080) and (srcWidth > 1280) and (srcFps >= 90) "1080P 120Hz"
if (!HDR) and (srcWidth <= 4096) and (srcHeight <= 2160) and (srcWidth > 2048) and (srcFps <= 30) "SDR 4K 30Hz"
if (HDR) and (srcWidth <= 4096) and (srcHeight <= 2160) and (srcWidth > 2048) and (srcFps <= 30) "HDR 4K 30Hz"
if (!HDR) and (srcWidth <= 4096) and (srcHeight <= 2160) and (srcWidth > 2048) and (srcFps >= 50) and (srcFps <= 60) "SDR 4K 60Hz"
if (HDR) and (srcWidth <= 4096) and (srcHeight <= 2160) and (srcWidth > 2048) and (srcFps >= 50) and (srcFps <= 60) "HDR 4K 60Hz"
if (srcWidth <= 4096) and (srcHeight <= 2160) and (srcWidth > 2048) and (srcFps >= 90) "4K 120Hz"
if (srcWidth <= 8192) and (srcHeight <=4320 ) and (srcWidth > 4096) "8K"
